

SBA Monthly Webinars

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Upcoming Webinars – March 2020


Building an E-Commerce Store

Monday, March 2, 2020 from 11am to 8pm EST

你准备好让你的时尚在线商店获得终极购物体验了吗? Do you want the tools, skills, 以及免费建立一个成功的数字形象所需要的指导? 您想要两年的免费数字产品,包括1共享网站托管帐户托管帐户与搜索引擎优化 & Email marketing, 1 domain name, and 1 Office 365 email account?



Small Business Financing

Tuesday, March 3, 2020 from 12pm to 1pm EST

参加小企业管理局关于小企业融资的网络研讨会. Topics include finding sources of capital, lender requirements, interest rates, terms, SBA loans and technical assistance resources.



Is Your Networking Not Working? Drastic Steps to Get Known, Connected and Paid

Tuesday, March 3, 2020 from 1pm to 2pm EST

Whether you are connecting online or face-to-face, 为了建立持久的关系来发展你的业务,有一些必须要做的事情.

In this session, 托尼·哈里斯·泰勒将分享人际关系策略,并讨论通过网络建立真正联系的艺术.

You'll learn how to:

  • Determine your target market for laser-focus networking
  • 通过网络建立“真正的”关系,并创建推荐伙伴
  • 利用科技工具,比如社交媒体,跟进并保持联系
  • And more




Thursday, March 12, 2020 from 2pm to 3pm EST

你知道吗? 68%的公司承认在潜在客户开发方面遇到了困难?  As a business owner, you have a million things to do to grow your business, but you need more customers for your business to survive.

In recognition of Women’s History Month, 企业家兼演说家唐娜·阿莫斯将给你8个可行的提示和技巧,以产生潜在客户并获得更多的销售.

You’ll learn:

  • 你可以从今天开始采取战术行动,以获得更多的线索
  • Why lead nurturing is critical to your business’s success
  • How to use your existing database to increase your revenues
  • 为什么社交媒体和网页定位是两种最有效的潜在客户生成方法



Instagram Marketing: A Beginner’s Guide

Monday, March 16, 2020 from 3pm to 4pm EST

当谈到使用社交媒体来发展你的业务时,你有很多选择. Instagram是最受欢迎的平台之一,64%的用户年龄在18 -34岁之间.

Is Instagram a good way to reach your ideal clients?

Don’t know where to start to create a stunning Instagram feed?

Join our webinar and explore these questions and more. We’ll start with the basics (how to create an account), 这样你就会感觉很舒服,并准备好在Instagram上培养一群真正的粉丝.

Next, 我们将探索工具和技术,以便您可以随着时间的推移提高您的有机增长和参与度.

这个网络研讨会是为初学者设计的,但也会为已经在使用社交媒体渠道的人提供一些想法, too. 您将学习如何创建一个美观和引人入胜的饲料,反映你的独特品牌的本质.




Thursday, March 19, 2020 from 11am to 12:30pm EST

Cash flow is the oxygen for a growing business. As a small business owner, 你必须牢牢掌握现金流机制,以保持你的“宝宝”呼吸.

In this webinar, SCORE认证导师和连续企业家朱莉·布兰德将帮助你真正对待金钱, understand your costs, 管理你的现金,以创造和保持稳定和盈利能力.

Attend this session and learn how to:

  • Understand cash flow and unrealized costs
  • Identify cash flow problems
  • Create more cash
  • Increase profit margins




Tuesday, March 24, 2020 from 2pm to 3pm EST

There’s a misnomer about business succession planning. It’s not just about planning for when someone dies. It could be about selling your business, planning your retirement, transferring to a family member, or moving out of the area.

Regardless of the reason, 为无缝过渡做好计划可以保护您和您的业务, and you can never prepare too early.

In recognition of Women’s History Month, NAWBO全国委员会主席Jeanette Armbrust将分享继任计划在企业中的重要性,以及如何在时机成熟时实现无缝过渡.

You’ll learn about:

  • Creating a Business Succession Plan
  • Successors vs. Selling
  • Business Valuation
  • Planning for Your Next Chapter
  • The Emotional Side of Selling



A 3-Step Approach to Intentional Social Media Marketing

Thursday, April 2, 2020 from 1pm to 2pm EST

我们都需要营销我们的业务,所以我们做其他人都在做的事情:在社交媒体上发帖. If you’re not seeing results from your social media efforts, 你有没有问过自己,为什么你要做这些事,而不是因为其他人都在这么做?

That’s what intentional social media marketing is all about.

By attending this webinar, 由首席执行官兼内容营销专家杰西卡·蒂费尔斯介绍, you’ll walk away with a clear, 而且很容易实施的策略,以获得有意的-并看到更好的结果-现在.

Participants will learn the following:

Step 1: Why and how to leverage the power of doing less





Marketing Mistakes That Can Haunt Your Business

鬼魂、小妖精和食尸鬼并不是唯一能困扰小企业主的东西. 许多企业家都犯了一些常见的营销错误,这些错误可能会给他们的企业带来可怕的后果. 你是在让这些营销混乱把你的客户吓跑吗?

Read more 


Market Research

你有一个很棒的产品或服务,但是谁是你的客户,你怎样才能接触到他们? 参加SBA的免费在线课程,了解如何识别您的客户以及如何向他们推销.

How to Buy a Business

Are you thinking about buying a business? 参加SBA的免费在线培训,了解如何确定企业价值以及如何转让企业所有权.

Launch the course


How to Prepare a Loan Package

Are you thinking about securing a loan for your small business? 参加SBA的免费在线培训,了解如何准备贷款包.Launch the course



Blogs and Recorded Business Training Videos



Answers to 5 Questions about Overtime Rules



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Recorded webinars from SCORE


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About the Author




CHARLOTTE, N.C.2018年3月12日/美通社/——纽柯公司(纽交所代码:NUE...

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SBA营运资金贷款可在佛罗里达州为农业部长宣布灾难由于冻结, Frost and Ice in January


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New Vacancy On the Industrial Development Authority Board

New Vacancy On the Industrial Development Authority Board

工业发展局最近有一个空缺. In accordance with the B...

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SBA Monthly Webinars

SBA Monthly Webinars

The U.S. 小企业管理局(SBA)和SCORE,全国最大的网络...

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通过吸引各种新企业和增加工业投资,提高6686体育集团官网的生活质量, 同时促进现有企业和行业的保留和成功扩展.

Keep In Touch

Economic Development
Highlands County Board of County Commissioners
(P) 863.402.6924
(F) 863.402.6651